Course curriculum

    1. Course Overview

    2. What's a Dashboard & Why Data Studio?

    3. Getting Your Data Ready

    4. Data Studio Layout Updates as of June 20, 2022

    5. Data Studio Interface

    6. Prepping for Success with Charts

    7. Things to Remember

    1. Introduction to Tables in GDS

    2. Tables with Bars & Tables with Heat Maps

    3. Formatting your Tables

    4. Things to Remember

    1. Scorecard Basics

    2. Scorecard Formatting & Conditional Formatting

    3. Blending Data & Showing Growth with Scorecards

    1. Pie & Donut Charts

    2. Bar Chart Basics

    3. Bar Chart Extras

    4. Combo Charts

    5. Pivot Tables

    6. Maps

    1. Design & Layout

    2. Quick Language Course Dashboard

    3. Themes, Images & Colors

    4. Filters & Controls

    5. Embedding Other Items in your Reports

    6. Connecting Google Forms

    1. Class Overview Dashboard Part One

    2. Class Overview Dashboard Part Two

    3. Simple Student Profile Dashboard Part One

    4. Simple Student Profile Dashboard Part Two

    5. Simple Student Profile Dashboard Part Three

    6. Simple Student Profile Dashboard Part Four

    7. Simple Student Profile Dashboard Part Five

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today